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awne is kewl


This is, a place for me (Alen) to post things online and for you to try them out!. Pretty simple, right?

About Me

Alen is an internet user who does a lot of different things. He likes to create stuff and dislikes talking about himself in 3rd person. Here is a short list of things that Alen does:

Anyways, I'm basically just a person who likes to learn new things and get new skills.

Public Projects

I have a few tiny webapps that you can try out! They are all interactive.

Quote Generator

I made this to test my skills as a challenge on the first version of this website, and it's still here. You can use it below, and suggest new quotes by joining my Discord!


This is a typing game that generates random words for you to type into a box within a set amount of time. Can also be used as a copypasta generator.

Ping Pong

A small test project that just sends you back and forth between two blank files (Kinda fun tbh).


A customizable text generator that can make large amounts of links. Presets included.


A project that can decode simple rotation ciphered text.